resQR is a world-first international patent right pending solution using smart QR technology for the safe return of lost valuables.
Stick resQR anti-loss stickers to almost anything valuable, these durable stickers can be attached to Phones, Wallets, Credit Cards, Passports, Computers, iPads, Drones, Bikes, Sunglasses, helmets, and much much more. Once found, the Finder simply scans the smart QR Code and is presented with the $ reward that the Owner sets or simply good karma if no reward is offered. The Finder enters their name, mobile, or email and the Owner instantly receives an SMS with these details and arranges for their valuable's safe return. The Finder is never presented with the Owner's details ensuring security and confidentiality. The Finder is also presented with the opportunity to donate their reward, if offered, to a resQR approved charity if they choose this option the Owner is sent another SMS with the Charity link to make a tax-deductible donation. Everyone wins and nothing stays lost with resQR.
Stick resQR anti-loss stickers to almost anything valuable, these durable stickers can be attached to Phones, Wallets, Credit Cards, Passports, Computers, iPads, Drones, Bikes, Sunglasses, helmets, and much much more. Once found, the Finder simply scans the smart QR Code and is presented with the $ reward that the Owner sets or simply good karma if no reward is offered. The Finder enters their name, mobile, or email and the Owner instantly receives an SMS with these details and arranges for their valuable's safe return. The Finder is never presented with the Owner's details ensuring security and confidentiality. The Finder is also presented with the opportunity to donate their reward, if offered, to a resQR approved charity if they choose this option the Owner is sent another SMS with the Charity link to make a tax-deductible donation. Everyone wins and nothing stays lost with resQR.
* All products may not be available at all stores, countries and regions.
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