K55 LIQUID DETERGENT is a general purpose biodegradable detergent for all cleaning purposes, in soft or hard water.
K55 LIQUID DETERGENT is designed to clean greasy dishes, pots and pans, cooking utensils, glassware and cutlery.
Can also be used on floors, walls and windows.
- Manual dishwashing
- Food & Meat preperation
- Floor cleaning
- Window cleaning
- Clean walls
K55's is economical and saves time, thanks to its'
- Concentrated formula with efficient dilution
- Multi-Purpose applications; and
- Proven effective results
Available in: 600ml, 5L, 15L, 110L, & 200L
Where to buy

Direct From Manufacturer
115 Northern Rd
Milestone Chemicals Australia
West Heidelberg, Victoria 3081
* All products may not be available at all stores, countries and regions.
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Contact information
Milestone Chemicals Australia
115 Northern RoadWEST HEIDELBERG, Victoria 3081
Phone: 03 9450 4555
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