• Pure Acrylic
• Excellent Workability
• Roll on, brush on, spray on
• Quick drying
• Very low odour - Low VOC (<55 g/l)
• The product contains anti-mould additives for a better durability and performance over time. Its stain resistance, scrub resistance, toughness and hardness make this product an excellent option for projects.
Suitable for doors, skirting boards, cupboards, build-in robes, trims and window frames
Where to buy

(03) 9997 9863 or 0413062872
Direct From Manufacturer
LUMO Paints Pty Ltd
4/32-34 Fulton Street
Oakleigh South, Victoria 3167
* All products may not be available at all stores, countries and regions.

Contact information
LUMO Paints
4/32-34 Fulton StreetOAKLEIGH SOUTH, Victoria 3167
Phone: 9997 9863 or 0413 062 872
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